About Me

I am both an idealist, which means I have a strong belief that I should try to make a positive difference in the lives of as many people as I can, and a stubborn entrepreneur, which means I want to sell people stuff and make some money. Those two traits have at times  worked against each other in my life, although idealism has (almost) always won out.

Internet marketing provides the best opportunity I have seen to stay true to both sides of my nature. I can provide information - and products - to people who need them and tell the truth while doing it.


I assume that people have a purpose in mind when they do a web search on a specific product, service, or topic. I also assume that that purpose is not to be sold, scammed, or to have their time wasted. I simply try and meet the needs of those that happen on my sites by providing concise, clear, and accurate information, useful ideas, and affordable, quality products. I believe that by doing this in a way that respects the intelligence, time and pocket books of my visitors, I can make a living for myself and a positive difference for others. Please let me know if you found what you were looking for by emailing me here.

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